Check Out ‘CSI’ Finale Ratings & Links, Plus Interviews, Tweets & Photos
4 min read
The series finale of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation aired last night, and you can find ratings and links to watch it below! There is also a collection of quotes, tweets and photos relating to the end of the series.
The two-hour TV movie, “Immortality, Part 1” and “Immortality, Part 2”, was watched by 12.12 million viewers from 9:00-11:00pm, earning a 1.8 rating/5 share in the key 18-49 demographic prized by advertisers. (Please note there was a short delay in some areas due to football overrun, which could affect the final ratings.) Overall, the ratings are up significantly from the season 15 finale, and mark the highest viewers since January 2012. CSI’s series finale came second in viewers during its timeslot behind NBC’s Sunday Night Football (19.37 million). In the 9:00pm hour, CSI was second in the demo behind football (7.5/21), but during the 10:00pm hour, it came third in the demo behind football and the series premiere of Quantico (1.9/6).
If you missed “Immortality”, or would like to watch it again, the TV movie is available on, XFinity TV or GlobalTV. The season premiere of the only remaining member of the franchise, CSI: Cyber, will air next Sunday at 10:00pm ET/PT.
Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle) did a short interview with the LA Times, including this quote about her character’s reunion with her ex-husband, Gil Grissom (William Petersen):
I always knew I was part of this weird love story. For all the violence and darkness in the show, there’s still this love story, and that’s such a terrific way to end up. No matter how black things seem, ‘CSI’ is a love story; there is long and lasting love.
Series creator and finale writer Anthony Zuiker discussed the TV movie with Deadline, and here’s an excerpt about the fate of Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger):
DEADLINE: What happens to Catherine? Does she get the Lab Director job with Sara gone?
ZUIKER: We had a scene that we cut for time where Catherine was walking with her daughter Lindsey down the hallway at the end of the shift and the sheriff runs up and says, ‘Sara wanted you to have this’ and hands Sara’s badge to Catherine, which would let everybody know that she gave the job up so Catherine could run the lab. We had that scene and we cut it. We felt like, once Catherine told DB Russell that she was thinking about putting her hat in the ring and once we saw Sara actually commit to be with Grissom on the boat and drive off, audience would put two and two together that Catherine would be the one to run the lab happily ever after.
Several cast members spoke to The Wrap about CSI coming to an end. Helgenberger had this to say about coming back to film the finale after leaving the show:
Even though I hadn’t been with the show for three and a half years and Billy Petersen hadn’t since season nine, when we suited up and got on the stages it just felt like a week had past. There wasn’t any period of time where we had to reconnect.
Here’s an interesting article from LostRemote about the digital buzz (or lack thereof) surrounding “Immortality”.
Finally, check out a few more tweets and photos that were shared by the cast and crew:
#CSIFinale tonight. Making me nostalgic. Started there 15 years ago. Spent 8 1/2 with the franchise. Launched my career & 100s of others.
— Corey Miller (@TooMuchFire) September 27, 2015
First solo #CSI I wrote. Petersen: "Never done a masturbation episode before." Me: "They say write what you know."
— Corey Miller (@TooMuchFire) September 27, 2015
The #CSIFinale airs tonight. Thank you, @CSI_CBS, for letting us "cover" you for the past 15 years!
— TV Guide Magazine (@TVGuideMagazine) September 28, 2015
The last #CSI writers room: @zuiker leads @adevinegal and me. Thx for having me back.
— David Rambo (@Rambopolitan) September 28, 2015
@Rambopolitan @zuiker it was so much fun working with you and an honor for me as well!!!
— Elizabeth Devine (@adevinegal) September 28, 2015
It's time! Are you watching, East Coast? #CSI #CSIFinale #CBS
— CBS TV Studios (@CBSTVStudios) September 28, 2015
Watching the #CSIFinale with some old crime fighters @jonwellner @ArchieKao #marcvann
— David Berman (@davidberman88) September 28, 2015
Nitey-nite. #CSI
— David Rambo (@Rambopolitan) September 28, 2015
Watched the #CSIFinale with my favorite people. To all the fans we salute you! Immeasurable thanks for your devotion.
— Marg Helgenberger (@MargHelgen) September 28, 2015
A day belated, but CBS released some more promotional stills from the CSI finale.
— Shane (@ShaneSSaunders) September 28, 2015