February 19 2025

CSI Files

An archive of CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds and crime drama news

Cast & Crew React To ‘Miami’ Cancellation On Twitter

2 min read

Leading man David Caruso (Horatio Caine) posted about the cancellation of CSI: Miami on Twitter, including a photograph of his iconic sunglasses. You can read the tweet and see the image below (click the thumbnail to see it full-sized):


You can find even more tweets embedded after the jump, featuring comments from Emily Procter (Calleigh Duquesne), Adam Rodriguez (Eric Delko), Jonathan Togo (Ryan Wolfe), Omar Miller (Walter Simmons), Executive Producer Jonathan Littman, former CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Producer Allen MacDonald and former CSI Supervising Producer David Rambo.

Procter left a four part Twitter response, which has been combined below:

I’ve been trying to find the words; let’s see. First of all thank you. Thank you for being part of an incredible experience. To have driven recklessly in high heels and tight pants for 10 years has been more fun than I can say. To know that y’all have had fun with me makes me so happy. There are many things and many people that I will miss with this change but I know there is also beauty in the Impermanence of things. I want to send a big squeeze to all of you: full of love, appreciation and thanks.

Rodriguez said:

THANK YOU 2 all of the fans who’ve supported CSI:Miami!!! It’s officially over & I hope you’ll all take the ride w/me on whatever’s next!!!

Togo tweeted the following:

To everyone who watched csi:miami, a million thanks- to the creator of the sweater vest: bite me

Miller expressed his appreciation as well:

A big fat THANK YOU to ask the fans worldwide who embraced me on CSI:MIAMI!!The show is canceled, but I appreciate each & every one of YOU!

The actors weren’t the only ones sharing their thoughts on Twiter. Littman wrote:

It’s hard to say goodbye but 10 yrs is extraordinary. I am going to miss Horatio, his team and, of course, his sunglasses. #CBSMiami

MacDonald and Rambo are no longer with the franchise, but they both posted about the cancellation. First, here is what MacDonald had to say:

CSI: MIAMI (2002-2012). An unforgettable juggernaut. Ten great years. You’ll be missed. #csi #csimiami

Finally, here is what Rambo posted about the end of CSI: Miami:

CSI:MIAMI you were unique and groundbreaking in your own right. You live on in perpetual syndication and the world’s consciousness.

About The Author

36 thoughts on “Cast & Crew React To ‘Miami’ Cancellation On Twitter

  1. I think they should consider doing a TV-movie or another crossover episode(s) with CSI/ CSI: NY to round things up of the Miami team

  2. I think doing a csi miami tv movie would be AMAZING!!! Just to see where the team ended up or how they’er doing now. I wouldn’t care wat time or day it came on I’d watch it!!! If it ended up in the theaters I’d pay WATEVER it cost to see it! Great idea Rockza Macau Fans, thanks!

  3. Will miss this show terribly – it was like chicken soup for the soul. No matter how bad or dark things were in my life, I could watch Horatio Caine and his team and feel safe. 🙁

  4. I think that this really stinks..I love this show and i will not nor will any of my family watch anything to do with csi if it is not going to be miami. This was ridiculous to cancel. These actors had more potential in making you feel as though you was right there in the show.They were kind hearted ppl. who deserve better than what they are getting. You had too many Csi shows that was like a joke it felt like you watch it and could tell it was just that a show. Csi Miami seemed so real they didnt act like amature actors. You will soon see what a mistake you made and when you loose ratings well thank yourselves.

  5. Ok, you guys are making me emotion here. Spoken like a true csi miami fan! Couldnt have put it better myself! There will sure be a BIG empty void on tv this fall. Dont know wat else there is to say.

  6. I think that cbs is making abig mistake taking csi miami off that was the best show on cbs for the last ten years and they want to end it just like that they are stupid.

  7. They say all good things must end eventually. I wouldn’t hold out any hope for crossovers with vegas or NY; this season’s finale episode covered all the bases and ended on a respectful note. The only thing I wish TPTB would have done was to bring back Racquel Welch’s villanous matriarch for a final showdown with Horatio! Maybe they’ll meet on the beach somewhere …

  8. I am so sorry that CSI Miami has been cancelled. I loved al the characters especially Wolfe. I have been watching the show since the beginning and I will miss it.

    P. Post Windsor N.S. Canada

  9. CSI Miami is the best show on Tv! The only one I record so I don’t miss it. Good Luck to Horatio & The Team in your future endevours.

  10. PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL CSI: Miami!!!!!!

    Come on CBS! Give the fans who have been with this show from the beginning some RESPECT! It is the ONLY one-hour drama I watch! I am in my early 40s, my husband in his 30s and my father is 70–we ALL LOVE this show!!! CSI: Miami is THE BEST show on TV–especially the best CSI show & the best thing on CBS! The actors, writing, characters, storylines and cinematography are all beyond the scale of ANYTHING that’s on been on TV in the past 10 years! There are SO MANY other shows on your network that SHOULD be cancelled–NOT CSI: MIAMI!!! Your moving it around was its downfall– I never knew when it was on, and had to search for it on cable. Put it on another network, or AT LEAST give the fans one final season to tie up open-ended storylines & to culminate the long-awaited union of Calleigh & Eric! PLEASE BRING BACK CSI: MIAMI!

  11. I think it stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of the shows that are on tv doesn’t make it worth watching but I loved loved loved this show and the actors. Bad decision from whomever made this call. Thanks to all the actors for the many hours of enjoyment

  12. How about a “spin off” from CSI Miami? If the producers can make CSI Miami what it was, Im sure they can come up with something else—maybe even better? It’s worth a try…..

  13. You brought sun & excitement to my dull & sometimes cold NJ life. I loved your performers & realistic acting – for the most part. I thank you for your hard work & know you will miss this significant part of your lives as we will miss it also.

  14. I have been watching csi miami from day 1. The viewing figures in yhe u.k was well ovr 22 million , so why dud the dumbass cbs cancel such a great show. Goin to miss the csi team , and the the gorgous emily. r.i.p csi miami , and to the stupid buttmunch cbs. rip

  15. Hi elaine i agree with u , we should all start a facebook campain to try get cbs to change there mind. And bring bak horatio and hes team

  16. Meh, so not a fan of CSI:Miami and never got into it. David C. could not, cannot act to save his life and CSI:NY has been so much stronger and better written, acted. That being said, I agree that CBS should keep it and feel every single network is guilty of the constant overload of gag worthy reality tv. They need to stop dropping good ol’ fashioned dramas and sitcoms in favour of shitty reality garbage.

  17. It should be csi New York u cancelled not csi Miami. It is d only csi I’ve watched so seriously & it’s not boring compared to d other show with d same theme. Love u csi Miami! I’ll miss u a lot!

  18. I am so very sad that the show was cancelled! It was not until my DVR did not record CSI MIAMI so I went searching and found out it has been cancelled. I am a huge fan of CSI Miami. I will miss Haratio and all of the Csi Miami crew. God Bless all of you!!

  19. I totally agree because CSI NY is boring and I was shocked that they took Miami out and kept NY.

  20. Cbs have done a wrong thing cancelling Csi Miami and finish was a weird one as all they Csi’s were still together,so why oh why finish it that way,bring it back please as Miami is the best Csi ever

  21. Just finished watching the very last episode on Netflix. Too bad they canceled this show. Sure it was long in the tooth & became extremely predictable, but it was an exciting, stylish show. I will miss Horatio Caine, Delko, Wolfe (Speed was irreplaceable so kudos to Jonathan Togo) and almost all the others. I won’t miss Emily Proctor though. She seems nice, but my God, she must be the worst actress in the history of television. I tried to watch CSI:NY but it’s just incredibly dull–the actors more so than the story lines. The original CSI:Crime Scene Investigation is [still] my favorite.

  22. With CSI: Miami in the history books, I’ve turned to CSI L.A. and Person of Interest. These appease my appitite for “excitement” I think that Linda Hunt sorta steals the show. Nothing will replace CSI Miami. But, at least, they are re-running them under the title of CSI Miami–Weekends!

  23. F1steve. I wrote to CBS New York. They actually replied to me with this. “We have looked at the options for continuing CSI Miami. But the writers have decided that the long run ran its course. We appreciate your interest in our programming and hope you will continue to watch CBS. end of letter..

  24. Hi, im from Portugal.
    I watched all seasons and episodes of CSI MIAMI, it was the best.
    I don’t like csi NY (its crap, ugly).

    Csi Miami was the best, I don’t know why a tv channel like CBS ended a so successfull tv show.. Its very strange.
    A big mistake..

  25. csi miami..thank you for being my inspiration to my chosen field..im a license criminologist…but before that we took our review before our board exam and one of my reference review material is watching the full season of csi miami…im very very thankfull for making that movie… i wish you all a happy life…..

  26. Can we not do a petition to get CBS to bring back CSI MIAMI..or like Rockza Macau Fans said get a crossover episodes with the miami characters.

  27. I can’t tell you all how much I truly miss CSI, Miami. Couldn’t get into any of the others as much as I could with Curuso. As must happen to great things, it has been brought to an end. For years I used to rush home son in tow, grabbing dinner with just enough time to get my son bathed, fed, and in bed before CSI Miami came on. Some nights it was a toss up, but thank goodness it was only one episode I was catching the last 20 minutes to. My sincere thanks for all the late hours, reading/studying multiple lines, loss of sleep it took to film each episode. The actors Curuso; Horatio, Emily Procter (Calleigh Duquesne); Jonathan Togou00a0(Ryan Wolfe); Omar Milleru00a0(Walter Simmons),u00a0and Alex, forgot her name, you will never be forgotten. Ten years, is a long time on television. Moving forward, into other avenues are just as rewarding.nnTo the later arrivals, Adam Rodriguez (Eric Delko), I thought you played an interesting part, but mostly as a love interest to Calleigh, so couldn’t really get into why you were given a part, a few guest appearances would have been nice. CSI LA, and CSI, NY should have borrowed cast members with CSI Miami.

  28. I literally watched CSI Miami 5 times in a row all of the seasons and I miss it I wish they would come backud83dudcaf

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