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Horatio Caine To Find Some 'Skeletons' In His Closet

By Christian
January 26, 2006 - 11:06 AM

See Also: 'Skeletons' Episode Guide

CSI: Miami is set to continue the story arc of Horatio Caine's troubled New York past in the upcoming February sweeps episode "Skeletons."

As revealed in last October's "Under Suspicion," the last case Horatio worked on while in the NYPD resulted in him being stabbed. Unbeknownst to Horatio, the serial killer he was up against in that case managed to store some of the blood Horatio lost due to the stabbing, and this Walter Dresden then used it ten years later to try and frame Horatio for murder. Walter nearly succeeded, as at one point in "Under Suspicion" Horatio was placed under arrest by IAB agent Rick Stetler, but towards the end of the episode the tables were turned, with Horatio free again and Walter arraigned in front of a judge.

Unfortunately, Horatio had the bad luck of finding Judge Ratner in that courtroom -- the man who held a grudge against Horatio ever since last season's "After the Fall," and now saw an opportunity for revenge by letting Walter walk. The last thing Horatio saw of Walter was triumphant smirk as he walked out on his way to freedom.

According to CSI Files sources, at the start of the fifteenth CSI: Miami episode of this season, "Skeletons," nothing yet suggests a re-appearance by Walter Dresden. Instead, the episode will open on Eric Delko and Dan Cooper on their day off, heading towards a volleyball pitt on Miami beach. Delko is in his element -- he only needs to set a few steps into the crowd before he's besieged by Tawny, a ridiculously hot girl who's a little angry Delko hasn't called her yet after what must have been an interesting previous encounter.

Dan is impressed and a little envious that Delko not only knows girls like Tawny, but apparently knows enough of them that he can afford to not call them back. And he only gets more impressed when he sees Nicole and Kellie, the two bikini-clad girls he and Delko will be watching the volleyball game with. At least now Dan may also finally have a chance to impress a girl... if only he could bring himself to stop blushing and give answers that consist of more than one word.

Unfortunately, Dan's chances are cut short only a few seconds later. Nicole trips over something in the sand, something she can't quite identify. She begins to dig it out... then gets the shock of her life as she uncovers a man's hand. It's back on the job for Delko and Dan.

Horatio and a group of MDPD uniforms quickly show up to provide back-up, but as the person who was by far the earliest at the crime scene, Delko is initially placed in charge. Delko starts out by making several huge strides: he is able to connect a belt buckle found during the investigation to Manual Martinez, the local head of Beach Maintenance. After some threatening with handcuffs and murder charges, Martinez rolls over and admits he helped someone dump a dead man's body. But Martinez swears he only took the killer's money; he's not a killer himself, and he'd never even seen either the killer or the victim before.

This puts the CSIs in a bit of a bind, as they have little evidence pointing in the direction of a suspect. But slowly, clues begin to emerge from the killer's modus operandi, Martinez' interrogation, and the identity of the people connected to the victim, until there is but one conclusion: Walter Dresden is involved in this case. Horatio Caine must once again face his archenemy.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details and the airing order of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Skeletons" is expected to air next month on CBS.

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