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The LVPD Takes A Hit In 'A Bullet Runs Through It'

By Carolina
October 21, 2005 - 10:58 PM

See Also: 'A Bullet Runs Through It, Part One' Episode Guide

The Las Vegas Police Department is placed under scrutiny when one of their own is shot and Grissom has reason to believe it may have been by friendly fire in the upcoming CSI episode "A Bullet Runs Through It."

According to CSI Files sources, this two-part episode starts with Brass and Sofia in their patrol car, along with two other police cruisers, chasing an Impala down the road. Four gang members occupy the car and they're not hesitant to shoot at the police as they attempt to get away. The four vehicles speed through the hood, shooting back and forth as they go, until the Impala tries to make a sharp turn and ends up breaking down.

But that still doesn't mean the worst part is over. The four gang members get out of the car and continue shooting at the police. Brass and Sofia exit their car and hide behind the open doors as they fire back. In front of them, two other officers, Sergeant Arnold and Officer Bookman, do the same. The situation spirals out of control and it's soon hard for the detectives to know what's happening as bullets whisk past them, breaking into houses through the windows, damaging parked cars, and injuring innocent bystanders.

And yet still the worst part isn't over. It seems if these gang bangers will go down they'll go down fighting. Brass and Sofia fire at will and they don't stop, not even when in front of them Officer Bookman takes a bullet to the neck. Brass covers as Sofia runs over to rescue the injured officer, but it's clear officer Bookman won't make it out of there alive. The suspects take off running but this is a fight the detectives don't intend to lose and they chase after them. Three of the suspects are eventually gunned down, and the chase culminates with two dead gang bangers, a fugitive, millions of dollars worth of damage, and a fallen LVPD officer.

When Grissom and his team arrive at the scene they're faced with nearly a mile worth of evidence to process. The community is angry, blaming the police officers for all the damage and injuries, and the atmosphere quickly grows suspenseful, to the point where the CSIs fear for their safety. But things are about to become even more tense. Back at the lab, Grissom and Dr. Robbins examine Officer Bookman's fatal injury. But the trajectory of the killer bullet doesn't suggest Bookman was shot by a gang banger - it suggests the bullet came from the area where the detectives had taken cover. Could Officer Bookman be the victim of friendly fire? The evidence suggests he is.

Meanwhile, Sofia is interrogated by Detective Ortega, who is in charge of the Bookman investigation. Ortega wants Sofia to narrate the moments leading to Bookman's death, and though Sofia is still shaken she tries her best to cooperate. Now that the chaos has subsided, the detective is able to better concentrate on the small details. She sees Bookman taking cover in front of her and Brass as bullets flew by, and more importantly: she sees Bookman rising slightly to get a better look at the suspects. It's only then that Sofia realizes that as he did this, Bookman accidentally entered her line of fire – merely seconds before he went down. Sofia remains quiet, but in her mind she's faced with a horrible thought: could she have accidentally killed officer Bookman?

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details and the airing order of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"A Bullet Runs Through It," will air on November 3rd, while the conclusion, "A Bullet Runs Through It, Part Two," airs a week later.

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