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First 'Not Landing' Plot Details

By Caillan
March 16, 2004 - 11:25 AM

See Also: 'Not Landing' Episode Guide

CSI: Miami's twenty-first season two episode opens with a light aircraft heading towards one of Miami's busiest beaches. But it's "Not Landing": it's crashing.

Sources today revealed the first plot information for the episode, which centres around an amateur pilot, Adam Decker, who dies when his CESSNA aircraft crashes into a beach. After an inspection of the plane, Horatio Caine suspects sabotage, since a thread valve on a key drain is damaged. Thee aircraft is also packed with tanks carrying some new type of chemicals.

Adam Decker co-owned a chemical business, Dolson Treatment Labs, with his old college buddy and fellow aircraft enthusiast Wes Gallagher. The pair lived in the same residential estate, Rockwater Airpark, where all the homes have their own hangers and runways. Horatio and Delko discover that Gallagher rigged the valve to blow, and they prepare to charge him with Decker's murder.

But Gallagher explains that he was simply trying to cause Decker to make a descent to prevent him from reaching his South American destination, where he was planning to embroil their company in some dodgy business dealings. Alexx's autopsy backs up Gallagher's claims: Adam Decker wasn't killed in the crash, but by carbon monoxide poisoning.

Who else would have a grudge against Adam Decker? The plot thickens when the CSIs discover that one of his neighbours, 25-year-old playboy Tony Macken, contacted the Federal Aviation Authority after hearing a radio call Decker made before he crashed. Tony's story doesn't quite match up, since he made the call at 9:35 a.m., but Decker had been killed by the carbon monoxide by 9:20 a.m. Horatio is instantly suspicious, and he has good reason to be: Tony didn't call the F.A.A. until 15 minutes after he heard the initial radio call. Why? Because he was in bed with Adam Decker's wife, Wendy, at the time.

Horatio and his team will have to unravel a tangled mess of suburban affairs, lies and deception before they finally discover the shocking truth behind Adam Decker's death....

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from an early draft of the script and details may change before the episode goes to air.

Not Landing" will likely air in May, 2004.

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