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CBS Releases 'Paper or Plastic' Trailer

By Kristine
February 6, 2004 - 10:02 PM

See Also: 'Paper Or Plastic?' Episode Guide

Last night, CBS aired the promo for the next new CSI: Crime Scene Investigations episode, "Paper or Plastic."

In "Paper or Plastic," an officer is slain in a grocery store during a robbery. His partner rushes in, but it's too late, and the CSIs must track down the shooters.

The 30-second trailer is available for download online from the official CBS web site. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:

[A cop car sits in front of a grocery store, it's lights flashing]
[Brass approaches a body on the ground in the aisle of the supermarket]
Brass: "Officer entered the store unaware a robbery was in progress."
[Close up on Grissom]
[The officer lies dead in a pool of his own blood]
[Close up on officer's partner, David Fromansky, who has short, greying hair]
Fromansky: "I wanted to check on my partner. I caught movement in the back and put him down."
[A shot explodes into a giant bag of popcorn]
[A masked gunman fires a gun]
[The bag of popcorn is hit again]
[People move in the aisles]
Male voice (voice over): "The bullet that killed the cocktail waitress..."
[Sara examines evidence in the lab]
[She swabs evidence]
[A slot machine rolls]
Warrick: "Was from Fromansky's gun?"
[Grissom and Warrick walk down the halls of the lab]
[Fromansky looks at a person offscreen]
Fromansky: "Not possible."
[Close up on Catherine]
Catherine: "The gunman had help from an employee."
[Close up on female grocery store employee, looking around nervously]
[Fromansky sits in a chair, facing a desk]
[The CSIs reenact the shootout in the grocery store, using red laser pointers]
[Warrick points a gun as red lasers target him]
[Close up on Fromansky, in profile]
Fromansky: "I saw a guy in a dark coat, holding gun."
[Computer screen traces trajectory of shots]
[A bullet is pulled from a body]
[Through a glass window, Warrick and Dr. Robbins are seen examining a body]
Warrick: "The girl was wearing a black sweater, carrying a purse."
[Dr. Robbins slices into a victim's neck with a scapel]
[Close up on Fromansky]
Fromansky: "I didn't shoot at that!"
[Someone shines a light on a mannequin]
[Warrick photographs a body on the ground in the supermarket]
[Dead bodies covered by sheets fill the morgue]
Grissom: "How do you explain the factr that you didn't see her?"
Fromansky: "I can't!"
[Off Grissom]

To download the trailer in streaming Real Media format, head over to the CBS web site!

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