Cats In The Cradle...
Series: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation'
Episode Title: 'Cats In The Cradle...'
Episode Number: 0220
Synopsis: "Grissom and Catherine investigate the stabbing death of an 80-year-old woman who lived in a run-down house full of cats; Nick and Sara comb through the remains of a car bombing that was, apparently, a murder plot gone awry."
Original Airdate: April 25, 2002
Written By: Kris Dobkin
Directed By: Richard J. Lewis
Guest Stars:
- Ed Lauter as Clay Tobin
- Diane Farr as Marci Tobin
- Tuc Watkins as Marcus Remmick
- Megan Gallager as Janet Trent
- Steve Hytner as John Claddon
- Ellen Geer as Ruth Elliott
- Frank Military as Tyler Elliott
- Skip O'Brien as Sgt. O'Riley
- Larissa Laskin as Debbie Stein
- Courtney Jines as Jessica Trent
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